Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I was just discussing the amazing Twilight phenomenon with my coworker (who has not read the books) and it put me in the mood to write about Twilight opening night.

On Thursday night/Friday morning at 1201 the first showing of Twilight was shown and I along with a bunch of really awesome people had our tickets for the buggest auditorium in the theatre. Stephanie Young organized the cutest line party for before the show. She made cute bingo cards with pictures from the movie. I didn't actually win, but Steph still gave me a little silver Volvo matchbox car for coming in second place in the blackout game :) Or maybe it was just because I am awesome.. I dunno.
My little Volvo

Bingo cards were just the tip of the iceberg. Stephanie had three little cars, volvo, red corvette, and uh I think a mercedes...all representative of cars in the film and story. I missed this activity, but they raced the little cars for prizes. Val Roberts won a cute little night with Alice gift bag. It had nail polish and other girly items that Alice would play with. My favorite thing Stephanie put together were the little gift bags each especially made for our favorite character. I chose Edward of course. In the bag was powder to make me sparkle like a vampire, tattoos, stickers, and a bracelet that represented things that make us think of Edward. Val chose Jacob and I thought her bracelet was so cute cuz it had a charm on it with a little dog paw and on the back of it, it said, "I love my dog." It was really cute. Stephanie did such an amazing job on everything. It made the experience so much more memorable!
My bracelet to remind me of if I could ever forget??

As for the movie, I have come to the conclusion that I did in fact like it. Directly after the movie I was a little indecisive because I love the books sooooo much. But books are always better and I feel that they did a good job with what they did in fact do. I do, however, wish there were more kissing scenes. I know...silly right? Too bad. I love Edward!!! So hot. And Robert and Kristen have such great chemistry together. I loved the baseball scene the best!! And I am way excited to see it again. Ye, that's right, Steph and I are already planning a second viewing tonight. We can't help it we just adore Twilight!

BINGO!! I didn't win, but it was so fun.


neffie said...

I'm glad you liked the line party and gift bags!!

Jen T said...

Hey Amanda! I'm so glad you have a blog so I can see all the fun things you are up to!
(By the way, this is Jen Breinholt Tabish from the Credit Union.)
Did you like Twilight, I didn't have high expectations but I ended up really liking it!